With a whopping 1018 kickstarter backers, indie game developer César Arminio with his design studio 2think and publisher Bitmap Soft have exceeded their initial goal of $40,298 and raised $67,732 to fully fund the production of Glory Hunters; a GameBoy-style action-adventure RPG. This puts it not one, not two, but four stretch goals ahead, meaning the game will now include three extra chapters: ‘Dunes of Hope’, ‘Laris de Mahr’, and ‘Inglorious Heroes’. These new chapters all include new dungeons, new enemies, new minigames and new music!

Glory Hunters will be an action-adventure RPG for the original GameBoy with a unique gameplay twist; in order to progress you need to obtain achievements that give you ‘glory points’. You can earn these points by performing ‘glorious deeds’ that award them to you. You must gather materials, aid townsfolk in quests or dive into dungeons and kill enemies, all of these will bring you closer to true glory!
The game features a giant map, aiming to be the biggest in any game running on official GameBoy hardware, that you can explore freely, and tallying up to a huge 20+ hours of gameplay. Nonlinear gameplay, Zelda-Style. Over one-thousand achievements for you to collect across a huge story and epic world full of lore to learn; this includes a multitude of characters to aid you on your quest. It looks to be an impressive feat and a unique entry into the GameBoy library.
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Kickstarter Backers will receive a multitude of digital rewards, including a Steam version of the game and a .pocket file for use on the Analogue Pocket. Higher-tier backers will also receive a physical cartridge that will feature battery-less saving. If you’re interested right now, Glory Hunters has a free-to-play demo on itch.io that lets you enjoy and experience a snippet of the game, and you can keep up with the development of the game through the publisher’s official Twitter.