Murder Is Game Over kicks off with a fabulously wealthy game designer found dead outside his castle in rural Vermont.

Independent developer and publisher Mostly Games will be launching their Kickstarter campaign to fund PEPPERED.

Alder Choke sets out to be a game that needs to be experienced rather than described. The game features unique quirks and brutally difficult, yet addictive combat.

Cult of the Lamb has a really interesting aesthetic going for it. It has the simple thin lines of the CalArts style combined with 2D sprites on a 3D plane.

Slay the Princess gives the player the power to decide on how the story will transpire. Your choices will definitely affect your journey.

The world of ‘Do Not Feed the Monkeys 2099’ is a retro-futuristic dystopia where spying on people is not much more than entertainment.

Trolley Problem, Inc. is a darkly comedic narrative game based on real-world philosophical papers, in which you are asked to make a series of impossible choices from two awful answers.