Publisher Digerati has teamed up with developer Digital Happiness to bring the third-person ghost-hunting title DreadOut 2 to Xbox and PlayStation consoles very soon! The original DreadOut helped Digital Happiness become the first Indonesian developer to succeed at creating an internationally successful crowdfunding campaign, as well as being the first Indonesian-made horror game to pass 1 million downloads on all platforms. The sequel is even bigger and even better, taking the supernatural Fatal Frame-inspired thrills of the first to new heights.

In case you don’t know the game; Dreadout 2 draws inspiration from Indonesian folklore and ruban legends to great effect, having you fill out a ‘ghostpedia’ on your smartphone. This sequel expands on the original game with huge additions like melee-combat and a much greater emphasis on exploration. You get to explore towns and forests and even supernaturally-themed areas, meeting strange characters and doing side-quests along the way.
An official plot synopsis reads; ‘Play as Linda Meillinda, a high school student with a supernatural power – the ability to sense and see ghosts. With the aid of her trusty smartphone, Linda must hunt the nightmarish spirits and dark forces that threaten not only her hometown, but all of mankind.’
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This third-person ghost hunting action will launch on Xbox One and Xbox Series X|S on 15 July, and PS4 and PS5 on 20 July, priced $19.99 / €19.99, or PC gamers can enjoy it now on Steam. You can find out more about the game on Digital Happiness’ website.