Indie development studios Cokoon Games Lab just dropped their 2D multiplayer sports game, Narona Sports, on Nintendo Switch today. Narona Sports is a fun and adorable game in which up to four players can choose one of the ten youngsters available, and engage in a variety of, you guessed it, sports!
Players will enjoy and explore the forest of Narona through the joy of competitive sports. There are currently five available games, all adapted to the environment and the physiognomy of the characters–and you’ll understand why, once you see it.

Playing matches garners you experience points to unlock costumes for your favorite characters. You’ll have free reign to customize your own experience with fun skins like firefighter, forest ranger, Marie Curie, scientist, rock star, and sumo wrestler.

For those wondering, here’s a lineup of the sports you can play:
Football (aka soccer): A classic, two goals and two teams. Whoever puts the ball into the opposing team’s goal the most times wins.
Basketball: The game consists of putting the ball through the opponent’s metal hoop but in this case players have adapted it to play with the head and some huge wooden baskets.
Volleyball: Pass the ball to the field of the opposing team. In this case you can use the net both to bounce the ball and to get on it with the help of the jumping mushrooms.
Pok-ta-pok/Ulama: The objective is to invade the opposite field taking the ball and the rival to the opposite side. In Narona you also play with your head.
Basque Ball: Hitting a rock-hard ball with your hand to send it hitting a wall. It is played in turns and each time the ball hits the wall, the team that hits changes.
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Narona Sports is available right now! Pre orders are currently available on the Nintendo eShop at a 40% discount off. Additionally, from September 1 there will be a permanent price reduction of 35%.