Consisting of four interconnected stories, The Creepy Syndrome changes from 1 bit to 8 bit graphics in various sections and environments throughout the game. Over the course of these stories you’ll discover the truth behind the mysterious relationship you have with your psychiatrist. Taking inspiration from true retro games with the top-down third person view through a complex labyrinth.

The developers describe the game’s story like this; ‘In a mysterious and strange consultation with the psychiatrist, he analyses you by making you play disturbing video games, with different endings. You experience past traumas, occult cults, a cursed bunker and much more.’
Each of the games you play have a meaning, and the further you get the scarier things become. You don’t know why you’re here or when it’ll end but it seems like this psychiatrist ‘has something special in mind for you’.
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This game is scheduled for a Q4 release date, so keep an eye out for it at the end of this year! You can wishlist the game now on Steam.