Kitsune Zero is the much-awaited prequel to Kitsune Tails, another popular title running on the Super Bernie World engine.
Doko Roko, is an atmospheric 2D action platformer that promises a ‘slashing’ good time.
CARROT: Pancakes and Waffles is a slice of life game, just like its predecessor. It takes place in the same world, packed with familiar faces, and also some new ones.
Brewmaster: Beer Brewing Simulator brings the technical parts of making a great drink, while incorporating a more relaxing overall vibe with the first ever realistic beer brewing experience.
Necrobarista is an intriguing take on the visual novel medium that features a fully 3D cinematic presentation with anime aesthetics.
Roadwarden is an illustrated text-based RPG that uses isometric pixel art and combines mechanics borrowed from RPGs, Visual Novels, adventure games and interactive fiction.
Hyper League Heroes - the idle dungeon crawler about building a team of superheroes, monsters and villains has a closed beta starting August 15th.
For those curious about this frosty family-oriented adventure, Arctictopia is a puzzle game set in the icy seas of the Arctic.
Endling: Extinction is Forever is a game that when I first heard about it, I knew instantly that it was the kind of game that would make me cry, and I was right.